Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Kindness of Strangers: Part 2

In my most humble opinion I do believe I have the answer to why there was next to no looting or rioting after the multiple disasters that hit Japan last month.  The answer lies in taxi drivers.  Rather, it lies in what taxi drivers personify.  Let me explain.

I will admit I have a bias.  I have a thing for Japanese taxi drivers.  They're really nice to me and nine times out of ten we end up having phenomenal conversations.  Just last night a driver took me to an address and then stopped the car, killed the meter and asked me if I knew where I was going.  I actually didn't.  I had a sense of which way to go and was confident I could figure it out but I didn't know exactly where the place was.  He pulled over, typed in key landmarks into his GPS and took me to the nearest building I recognized and didn't charge me extra.  As I left the car he told me one last time to call my contact instead of wandering around.  Absolute kindness from a man I will never meet again.  I was just a fare.  Did he even know I wasn't Japanese?  I have no idea.  It was dark and we didn't really look at each other while speaking.

Since arriving in Tokyo I've had three drivers ask me if the temperature in their taxi was to my liking.  I've had three others ask which route they'd like me to take.  I usually leave it up to them at which point they ask whether I'd like to get there faster or pay less.

Their cars are impeccably clean.  The seats are covered with a tight cloth cover which has no wrinkles, tears, stains or marks of any kind.  Sometimes the head rests are covered in what I can only describe as doilies.

The drivers are always polite.  Always kind.  Always well mannered.  This, to me at least, personifies the Japanese sense of service, the importance placed on manners and in general, good social behavior.  Which is why I can understand why there was no looting or rioting, why people walked home for 7-12 hours on the day the earthquake hit Tokyo, and why standing in line for hours to use a pay phone was entirely orderly and normal.  Being kind to strangers isn't entirely a foreign concept here.  Good manners matter.  Being polite is an expectation.  I like this about Japan.

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