Sunday, April 24, 2011

Believing in the strengh and power of Japan

Not having had access to television for the past three weeks I'm taking in everything I see all around me.  One particular thing that hits me is the series of commercials that air several times an hour on every channel.  These are commercials calling upon the Japanese as a people to keep the faith, stay strong, and support each other.  They're real tear-jerkers.  Professional soccer players who play overseas send encouraging messages.  Celebrities tell the viewers "We Japanese are strong" and "one person's strength to keep going is important, but the collective strength to keep going is more important" and "I will keep supporting Japan" and "I will always believe in Japan" and "we are in this together" and "Japan is a strong country" and "I will always support you" and "let's become one Japan" and "let's work together to give faith and hope to each other" and "it's going to be okay" and "what makes Japan strong is our collective strength" and "we are a team" and "you are not alone" and "if we work together we will get through this" and "show your children you love them" and "believe in the future" and "and this is all followed by "believe in the strength of Japan."

I've never seen anything like this in Japan before.  I find it beautiful.

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