Friday, April 22, 2011

Going to Tokyo

In 30 minutes I start my trek down to Tokyo for my mandatory mental health break.  I have literally been counting down the hours for the past several days as I've felt more and more this break is incredibly necessary.  To say I'm overwhelmed by what I've seen is an understatement.  To say I need a change of scenery is another understatement.  That both are true is a bit difficult to accept.

In Tokyo I will ride the subways (one of my favorite things to do), eat cheese, sleep in a bed, take a long bath with nice smelling salts, get a massage, hang out with friends and in general soak up concrete, tall buildings and crowds.  To channel Maria Von Trapp, "these are a few of my favorite things."

I will still write.  I still need you.  I still need to be heard.  I still have so, so, so much to say.

1 comment:

  1. looking forward to hanging out tonight. let me know what time you wanna meet up.
