Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Crisis Management 101: What to do in case of a tsunami

Here's a story for you.  Less than a kilometer from where the tsunami hit (the Port of Ofunato) is a four-story department store.  Across the street from this is a four-story hotel.  When the wave hit everyone in those two buildings ran up to the roof.

Here's the thing.  There was food in the department store.  Everyone on both roofs knew it was going to be awhile until they were going to be rescued.  (They were the next day.  Self Defense Force helicopters picked everyone up in shifts.)  After the waves subsided (there were several large waves that came through the town during the night) people went back into the upper floors of the department store and got all the food they could get.  They brought it back onto the roof.  This is where it gets interesting.  (As if this isn't interesting enough!)  A young guy came up with the idea that they wrap a baseball in a ball of rope and toss it across the street onto the roof of the hotel where others were.  He did.  They slid bags of food across the rope from one roof to the other so both groups of people could eat.

How's that for ingenuity!?