Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I promised I would tell the truth, didn't I?  I owe it to you.  So, here it is.  I have a confession.  I have another blog.

Now, I don't want you to feel like I've been cheating on you.  It wasn't meant to be a secret.  I saw the other blog as hitting a different target audience but I realized as I kept writing on both I wanted you to know about each other.

I want to share with you what the other blog is about and why I'm writing it.  I am more than angry at the way the media has portrayed the triple-disasters in Japan.  Specifically, I am absolutely livid the focus has been almost exclusively on the "impending nuclear disaster" and words that only induce fear in us.  The fact the reporting has been focused on the nuclear issue at the expense of reporting about the people who are still very much affected--this is journalism at its worst.  My goal is to try to get people in positions who can influence the media to get the focus back onto the people and also to put pressure on others to raise more money.  With that said, here is what the other blog is called:  www.whereisgeorgeclooney.com.  Please feel free to check it out.  I will tell them about this blog as well.

Much love and gratitude to you all.

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